Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scout Unit leaders are now able to submit local and national tour permits electronically. This new system takes just four easy steps, and it will save the transportation and training information, so leaders can easily recall it for future permit applications.

All registered unit leaders will have access to Tour Permits from MyScouting, accessed on

The MyScouting account verifies that the owner is a BSA leader associated with a unit. Leaders will only be able to submit tour permits for their unit(s). This authentication replaces the physical signatures on tour permit applications. Other unit leaders are notified via e-mail when an application is submitted and approved.

The system allows submission of both local and national applications.

Unit leaders enter all the necessary information for the tour, and rules specific to tour permits are applied. When appropriate, helpful messages will advise the leader about any missing information. Once the tour permit has been submitted, the council will evaluate and approve it or return it for further work. Online features allow easy entry of driver information for transportation and required training supervision.

There will be automatic notification at all appropriate steps in the process to the permit creator, the tour leader, and the assistant tour leader. The unit committee chair and unit leader will also receive e-mail notifications if they have MyScouting accounts.

The online Help document explains how to complete and submit permit applications to the council. Additionally, the Guide to Safe Scouting is available on the site for easy reference. Other documents, such as the BSA Transportation Guidelines and the Pledge of Performance can also be accessed from Tour Permits.

Authorized council staff members will review and process submitted applications. The tour permit creator receives a PDF version of the approved permit via e-mail. The approved permit PDF can also be obtained from Tour Permits in MyScouting.

As a reminder, local tour permit applications should be submitted two weeks before the tour and national applications at least one month before the tour start date.

We encourage all Scouting units from our council to use this new service to submit their local and national tour permit applications online.

For more information, and to access a simple training presentation, visit

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The Utah National Parks Council Advancement Committee has recently written and approved the Life to Eagle standard operating procedure (SOP) document. This is an important step is improving the consistency of how Eagle Boards of Review and approval of Eagle projects are accomplished across the many districts in our council.

One of the key changes is the elimination of the Eagle Counselor program, effective January 1, 2009. Instead District Advancement Committees will be responsible for approving all Eagle projects before they begin.

Please become familiar with the following documents. You may begin implementing them immediately.

Life to Eagle SOP

Eagle Counselor Migration Plan

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hear ye, hear ye Scouters...
great job on the last court of honor. I am proud of your accomplishments. I am also looking forward to more fun with advancements. Keep striving! Oh, Troop 1080 just purchased a tent... we will plan on braking it in during our November campout (more info to come)

Friday, August 15, 2008

More to come, but here are some images from our Lake Clegg scout camp.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Map to camp:
Click Here to Download directions

and here is the map of the trail head

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Keeping Track of Merit Badges... here is the first attempt.

  • Merit Badge Tracking

    Of interest: Link to merit badge requirements and worksheets
  • Friday, June 20, 2008

    Thanks to all those who participated on the hike. It was a great success! Way to go boys.