Sunday, February 27, 2011


We are already planning for this years summer camp 2011. We are excited to be going to the Bear Lake Aquatics Camp. We have some details that will be discussed in our meeting at the meeting on Jan 16. Also, here is a link to the permission forms for this camp.

We will be attending on July 4th - 9th. Here is the map of the camp:

View Scoutcamp 2011 in a larger map

The HEALTH FORM (Required) is HERE

Each boy will be responsible for paying $50 towards this camp. The first $25 was due on Feb 15.  The next $25 will be due on the last week of April.

Finally, HERE is a list of merit badges and activities that the boys can sign up for at the camp.
(This list also shows who has paid and who has been registered)

I will continue to update this blog with additional information as it comes to me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thanks for your supporting your boys at the Court of Honor/ Camp meeting.

Here is the form we handed out at the meeting

The four month calendar is still posted on this page on the left hand side.

Please note the due dates for the 3 items on the checklist on the attached form.

Thanks. We are all very excited for scout camp this year.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here's the proof we really went to Nevada for the weekend.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Follow up...

here are some websites that may help with bird call identification. The requirement is number 6. --I give this one 2 stars --I give this one 1 star --I give this one 4 stars

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We had a wonderful time at the Goshutes with Hawkwatch. Thanks to all those who participated. For the bird study merit badge, each boy needs to complete requirements 5 and 6. They need to:

5- Observe and be able to identify at least 20 species of wild birds. Prepare a field notebook, making a separate entry for each species, and record the following information from your field observations and other references.

1. Note the date and time.
2. Note the location and habitat.
3. Describe the bird's main feeding habitat and list two types of food that the bird is likely to eat.
4. Note whether the bird is a migrant or a summer, winter, or year-round resident of your area.

6- Explain the function of a bird's song. Be able to identify five of the 20 species in your field notebook by song or call alone. For each of these five species enter a description of the song or call, and note the behavior of the bird making the sound. Note why you think the bird was making the call or song that you heard.

We don't have another event planned to go view birds, but we could add one in October if the interest is there.


By the way... the Lehi Library has a bird guide book entitled "Bird of North America" by Robbins... if you don't have one at your disposal. Or you can borrow mine.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Every boy deserves a well trained leader. Here are some resources for training.

The Boy Scout Leader Fast Start Viewer Guide

Also, go to and register. Make sure you put in your Scouting ID number so that you can get credit for the training that you complete online.
They have a lot of training online now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The young men (boy scouts) have planned their next 4 months. We have added a permanent link to the calendar on the left of this page. Please note the upcoming Court of Honor on the last Tuesday of September.